We love green

The history of Tamarit Beach Resort begins in 1961 when its founders wanted to provide a natural response to campers who wanted to enjoy the good weather of the Catalan coast in an idyllic environment such as the Tamarit Castle. But they saw beyond that, because the area is much more than a Romanesque-style castle from the 11th century. To achieve this, they had a clear objective when sustainability was not yet in our consciousness: total adaptation to the natural environment, improving it, and avoiding any irreversible transformation. That has been our main DNA that persists to this day and has been part of our success and recognition.
The green attitude of Tamarit Beach Resort has always existed, and that is why various actions and initiatives have been carried out to promote it. Some of them are:
  • 1961: Start of camping activity. General planting of native trees.
  • 1962: Installation of low-intensity public lighting network with light protection.
  • 1974: Creation of a segregated stormwater drainage system with proper treatment.
  • 1980: Authorized capture of water from wells for irrigation and other uses.
  • 1985: Pest control system with natural elements.
  • 1993: Expansion of the campsite to the limit of the Gaià River. Extensive plantation of Mediterranean pine. Recovery of the right bank of the river mouth. Active participation in the request for release of water flow from the Gaià Dam in El Catllar.
  • 1999: Connection of the sanitation network to the regional wastewater treatment plant.
  • 2000: Deployment of a stormwater network along public roads, intermediate sections, improving pedestrian passage and road floodability.
  • 2002: Installation of solar panels for hot water generation.
  • 2005: Switching to low-consumption light emitters.
  • 2009: Collaboration with environmental entities to create dune protection areas and plantation on the beach sand in the area adjacent to the Gaià River.
  • 2010: Provision of selective waste collection containers for customers. Management of waste generated by Tamarit, separated entirely.
  • 2013: Change of the gardening irrigation system, using a centralized programmer with rain, humidity, and sunshine control, reforming the irrigation lines, eliminating manual irrigation and, to a large extent, sprinkler irrigation, replaced by drip and micro-sprinkler systems.
  • 2016: Switching the water supply system for the pools to well water instead of the public network. Implementation of a centralized system for monitoring electricity consumption.
  • 2017: Diversion of stormwater along public roads, final sections, and improvement of access with a single platform for pedestrians and bicycles. Management of pruning waste instead of authorized burning. Improvement in the sanitary control of drinking water by continuous monitoring of chlorine levels in the general tank and rechlorination if necessary. Specific recycling of cooking oils.
  • 2018: Replacement of light emitters in buildings and accommodations with LED technology. Change in the pool water treatment system to saline electrolysis instead of chlorine. 100% digitization of administrative processes with complete elimination of paper.
  • 2020: Creation of a revitalization area, improvement, and recovery of plants. Phase I of purchasing locally sourced products for restoration.
  • 2021: Conversion of public lighting to an efficient system with intensity control and smart technology. Elimination of single-use plastic containers.


¿Qué hacemos desde Tamarit Beach Resort?

Mantenemos el compromiso con el entorno y seguimos mejorando nuestra gestión medioambiental en
diferentes campos. Nos gusta cuidar de todos los aspectos posibles para mejorar la experiencia
vacacional de nuestros huéspedes y el disfrute de un entorno como el de Tamarit.

Landscaping and nature
The Tamarit area and the mouth of the Gaià River have a great variety of native flora and fauna. It is an area rich in natural resources, with extensive areas of vegetation native to the Baix Gaià region (including the conservation of the Baix Gaià pine, for example) and a multitude of animal species that can only be found here.
Conservation of natural spaces
Tamarit Beach Resort has contributed to the protection and preservation of the main points of interest in the area. The mouth of the Gaià River, the coastline, and Tamarit Castle are some of the locations where we have participated in their conservation, maintenance, and updates whenever necessary.
Water resources management
Water consumption is something that concerns us; that's why we have developed and implemented measures to save, reduce, and reuse its use. We take care, for example, of reusing a large part of the resort's water for irrigating the plants in the complex. In this regard, Tamarit Beach Resort is one of the participants in the European Union project, Impetus, which is implementing an innovative water resource recovery system in an experimental phase to minimize the impact of its use globally. In our case, depending on the success of the experimental project, which uses only bio-natural elements, we can achieve almost zero discharge of wastewater into the regional treatment plant, reusing water for internal, agricultural, and natural aquifer regeneration purposes.
Renewable energy

At Tamarit Beach Resort we are committed to clean energy. For that reason, and of in accordance with our commitment, we try to use as maximum amount of green energy as possible. We have photovoltaic panels that provide energy for part of our General services and facilities. In the same way, we have implemented a system of lighting by Casambi that allows to regulate the light intensity taking into account factors such as the time at which the sun sets, the ambient light or even the people around, allowing minimize light when no one is around.

Plastic-free and eco-friendly materials

Trends change, both in usability and design. We like to be pioneers while embracing a sustainable future. That's why we have implemented a plastic-free policy for our offices (made with responsible materials) and we are working on acquiring and using eco-friendly construction materials for our accommodations and common facilities. Gradually, we are reducing the use of plastics and other harmful materials for the environment.

Sustainable mobility
We opt, whenever possible, for the use of low-emission vehicles. Our staff usually travel in small electric buggies or even bicycles. In fact, the campsite promotes the use of these types of transportation (bicycles, scooters, electric scooters...) not only among internal staff but also among guests and visitors. We are even working on creating motor vehicle-free areas. Recently, we have installed 4 high-capacity charging points for electric vehicles.
Waste management
Recycling has been, is and will be a key point in the management of resources of Tamarit Beach Resort. Not only for us but also for those who are at the resort. Being responsible with the environment is everyone's business. In addition to the classification of the different types of waste, both urban and industries, we are implementing a treatment system for pruning remains, vegetables and organic waste, which through a bioorganic composter will allow us to obtain fertile land for the usage of our environment, reducing drastically the generation of this type of very voluminous waste and its transport. In addition, we have begun to apply policies for the elimination of single-use plastics. use in our catering services.
100% Green Awareness

Contact with nature and respect for the environment is real and palpable in Tamarit Beach Resort. A practical behaviour that we want to extend to other people, achieving a memorable vacation experience. That is why we are a Pet Friendly campsite with the inclusion of accommodations that allows pets inside. We have 17 pet friendly bungalows, as well as a complete pipican with agility (a tour with games and skill tests) and a shower for our guests' pets. We are also committed to the use of local products, promoting a healthy diet. Our bars and restaurants have as main suppliers and local producers’ companies and use a large percentage of the ingredients of ecological origin and km. 0.

Towards a sustainable future
We want to keep improving. We want to continue moving towards a greener, more sustainable, and more respectful future with the environment. That is why we do not stop thinking about things that we can do from Tamarit Beach Resort to contribute to the cause.
  • Passive house methods to reduce energy consumption and generate less environmental impact.
  • Creation of a collaborative garden (with nearby farmers) for later use in the resort kitchens.
  • Didactic and practical workshops to explain to guests and visitors the natural value of Tamarit.
  • Creation of a “Historical Center of Tamarit” in which to collect information about the area.
  • Rationalization of energy consumption and promotion of energy savings among workers and customers.
  • Production of own hot water for the resort facilities (from biomass or clean energy)

Asimismo, el resort se caracteriza por promocionar el territorio (especialmente la playa de la
Mora, el bosque de la Marquesa, la desembocadura del río Gaià, el castillo de Tamarit…) y
concienciar alos visitantes, especialmente alos máspequeños. Sehandesarrollado actividades
infantiles y juveniles para hacerles partícipes de la conciencia verde de Tamarit mediante
acampadas alairelibre, actividades de observación (de plantas, animales y estrellas) y desarrollo
de ejercicios didácticos sobre el entorno del resort.
En la misma línea de promoción y conocimiento del valor natural que nos rodea, hemos iniciado
un proyecto de huerta bajo el concepto de economía circular, donde se pretende por un lado
reaprovechar los recursos naturales de tierra (compostaje) y agua (Impetus) y por otro crear un
aula de interpretación, experimentación y divulgación